All around the world, there are children and young individuals who cannot seem to interact well with other people. These children with special needs usually have learning and communication challenges. They may also have physical disabilities and developmental disorders. Because of these challenges, many of these children and youths with special needs are not able to experience formal education. Their mental, emotional and physical handicaps are interfering with their abilities to learning on the same pace as average individuals. However, these children still have the right and the need to access quality education. Because of that need, special education was developed.
Special education is a distinct type of learning process through which students with special needs receive skills and knowledge considering their needs and differences. This type of education does not adhere to a single approach of teaching, but rather uses different approaches that would greatly address the educational needs of special children. This learning process usually entails individual-based teaching procedures, tools and materials as well as educational equipment. This type of school provides a learning set-up that has been proven to be more effective in teaching special students than in typical classroom set-up.
Identifying children with special needs could be tricky at first, since parents are usually the first to deny the fact that their children require special attention. Most children are detected as candidates for special needs based from their medical history. Some children are detected to need special education after a brief academic period in which they were observed as having learning difficulties.
Despite the fact that students with special needs are receiving a type of education that suits them, it is still the society’s main duty to accept them and learn how to work with them. Their special circumstance is not a reason to discriminate them.